szaleniec1000 Jul 06, 2012 02:40
thinking at the speed of plot, epic fail, badfic:hermione's talent, mione my arse, did not do the bloody research, hermione in name only, wrong word dammit, disembodied dialogue, harry potter, dialogue is not narration, department of redundancy department, ron is ooc, ron is evil, continuity isn't optional, draco trilogy wants him back
szaleniec1000 Sep 17, 2011 00:24
epic fail, badfic:hogwarts exposed, altum videtur, google is your friend, did not do the bloody research, i now pronounce you a bunch of idiots, onion slicing convention, conflict be damned, department of redundancy department, expospeak, read pou instead, fucking self-awareness how does it work, sexism, thinking at the speed of plot, hogwarts roboticised, the lowercase wizarding world, have i mentioned i hate this fic, nudity for everyone, hermione in name only, false humanity, harry potter, continuity isn't optional
szaleniec1000 Jun 27, 2011 01:50
badfic:hogwarts exposed, paedofinder general, department of redundancy department, expospeak, welsh railway, hogwarts school of oratory, are you a witch or not, thinking at the speed of plot, literal butthurt, priorities be damned, killing the sue is too much to hope for, the lowercase wizarding world, reasoning with vampires, have i mentioned i hate this fic, hermione in name only, gratuitous gore, false humanity, brain bleach, harry potter, said bookism, singularity of fail
szaleniec1000 May 30, 2011 20:47
neville doesn't deserve this, badfic:hogwarts exposed, what do you mean it's not awesome, staring into the abyss, the pansexual '50s, department of redundancy department, i can has characterisation, anvil of foreshadowing, pov!fail, hogwarts school of oratory, thinking at the speed of plot, mary sue and gary stu, sanity slippage, nudity for everyone, epithet overload, harry potter, convention of the psychics, said bookism, literally stupid, singularity of fail, neville is ooc
szaleniec1000 Apr 24, 2011 18:48
epic fail, show don't tell, badfic:hogwarts exposed, knickers, paedofinder general, department of redundancy department, expospeak, anvil of foreshadowing, thinking at the speed of plot, sexism, pop goes the house-elf, americanisms in the potterverse, the lowercase wizarding world, damning with faint praise, ginny is evil, nudity for everyone, hooch is evil, disembodied dialogue, you fail paediatrics forever, harry potter, convention of the psychics, continuity isn't optional, anticlimax